Serving McLean VA Youth Since 1954



Participant Fees and Refunds

Participant Fees and Refunds

League Fee

Participant fees are payable to McLean Youth (MYA) Volleyball at time of registration. 

  • Spring Girls Leagues (House, Select, Travel) = $100/person
  • Fall Boys Leagues = $100/person

League fees cover the operating costs of the program.  This includes team volleyballs, ball bags, ball carts, team uniforms, gym rentals, referees wages, trophies and awards.  A portion of fees are also invested in upgrading the volleyball equipment of local gyms and growing youth volleyball in the region.

Volunteer Discounts

Children of adult Head Coaches and Co-Coaches play for free.  Assistant Coaches receive a 50% discount.  HS students who volunteer as coaches have the option to play in any of the HS leagues for free.

Non-Resident Surcharge

There is an additional $50 surcharge for non-county residents. This is what Fairfax County charges MYA for non-residents utilizing Fairfax County Public School facilities.

Financial Aid

MYA Volleyball is committed to making this great team sport available to all girls and boys.Those uncomfortable paying the participant fee can request financial aid during the registration process.


If a participant withdrawals after registration, a refund may be requested, minus a $25 processing fee, by sending an email to There are no refunds after the following dates:

  • Spring Girls Leagues = March 31
  • Fall Boys Leagues = September 30



Contact Us

Contact Us

For general questions or to volunteer for McLean Youth (MYA) Volleyball, please email: